General shipping information
information transportation
Common commercial terms in the field of international transportation
Currently, the most common and important method of payment in transactions that is common in the world is the method of payment by letter of credit. Letter of credit is an obligation that the issuing bank undertakes to pay the claims of the credit beneficiary or the seller, or to accept the bill of exchange for him, or to pay his requested remittances, or to assign another bank to this to operate
This payment is made either through a bill of exchange (B/E) or a letter of credit (L/C).
What is a letter of credit (L/C)?
It is a form of contract by which, at the request of the buyer, the credit opening bank authorizes another bank, which is called the beneficiary bank or the broker, to submit the shipping documents of the traded goods to the bank at the latest by the end of the specified period, and that bank at the most up to the amount Pay the credit.
The broker bank then sends the said documents to the ordering bank to be handed over to the buyer.
What is a bill of exchange (B/E) or (Bill of Exchange)?
A bill of exchange is written by the seller (beneficiary) and sent through the issuing bank or the beneficiary bank, and after acceptance, the issuer or seller can receive the amount stated in it immediately or after the specified date. It is negotiable for you.
International transport conventions:
CMR convention:
This convention was created to ensure the interests and rights of road transport operators and to harmonize the conditions governing the international road transport contract.
COTIF convention:
This convention is related to international transportation by rail.
TIR convention:
This convention has been developed and implemented to facilitate the customs clearance of trucks carrying goods that travel on international roads and pass through the customs of third countries.
International transportation of goods:
International transportation of goods is the movement and transportation of goods from one point inside one country to another point inside another country in accordance with the rules and regulations governing it.
International transport company:
The international transportation company, which is referred to as the company for short in this bylaw, is a legal entity that will be formed for the purpose of carrying out international transportation of goods, including forwarding, courier or combined activities.

Forwarding activity:
Forwarding activity is the act of coordinating the arrangement of the transportation of goods by one of the different ways of land, air, sea or a combination of them, as well as performing related services and accepting responsibility according to the issued bill of lading and concluded contracts.
International career activity:
Courier activity is the immediate undertaking of moving goods from one country to another by one of the modes of transportation and according to the transportation contract.
International brokerage activity:
Brokerage activity is to carry out operations related to the international transportation of goods on behalf of a company.
Common terms
It means a natural or legal person who enters into a contract with the company for the movement of goods.
Dangerous goods:
It is a product that is considered dangerous according to the classification of IMDJ (Dangerous Goods Classification Book) and IDR.
It is a non-transferable document that, by issuing it, the carrier undertakes to deliver the cargo of a vehicle from the origin to the destination.
It is a document according to which the owner of the goods is introduced to the customs for the clearance of the goods in compliance with the relevant rules and regulations.
Covered driver:
A natural person is eligible to drive in international transportation, who, in order to operate in the international transportation of goods, is affiliated with a certain company and enters into a cooperation agreement with one of the companies.
Foreign transit:
Foreign transit of goods is a series of steps during which goods are sent from foreign sources to the destination of a third country or kept in protected areas and the arrangement of its gradual transportation at the request of the owner of the goods from the territory of the Islamic Republic of Iran from one border point of the country from the same point or from another The border points of the country go out.
bill of lading:
It is a document that can be transferred and shows the ownership of the goods, which the carrier or his representative issues after receiving the goods and indicates the transportation of certain goods from one point (the origin of transportation) to another point (the destination of transportation) by means of the agreed transportation (ship – truck – rail, plane or a combination of them) against a certain freight rate.
It is a legal entity (company) that concludes a nationwide transportation contract with the customer. Companies that enter into direct contracts with customers are considered forwarders.
It is a legal entity (company) that undertakes by concluding a transport contract with the forwarder company or the owner of the goods and by agreeing to carry out the transport operation using the equipment at its disposal.
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